UV-blocking acrylic for archival picture framing

By John MacLean


Archival quality framing by John MacLean Photography, Isle of Lewis


Now available for use in framing high-value work and items prone to fading, such as colour photographs and prints, is UV-blocking acrylic ‘glass’.

Blocking just over 99% of UV light while still retaining the highest optical clarity, acrylic is an excellent solution for increasing lightfastness dramatically and protecting work which could otherwise fade or discolour quickly behind ordinary glass. It is particularly good for protecting colour photographic prints, original illustrations from magazines and newspapers, posters, delicate artwork, medal displays, etc.

If you have important photographs, documents, or artwork in an old frame, the glass may be darkening or ‘blueing’ with age. Replacing it with UV-blocking acrylic will improve clarity and halt the progress of any fading or discolouring that may already have occurred.

The UV-blocking acrylic is totally optically clear, has no colour cast and can be used with all the framing materials and mouldings I normally use. There are cheaper acrylic glazings available, such as the styrene supplied in mass-market picture frames, but they are of poor optical quality, have a colour cast and do not possess UV-blocking properties. The higher quality acrylic, while protecting work from UV damage, also lets through slightly more light than ordinary picture glass, giving a brighter appearance to the photograph or artwork, while still providing maximum protection.

For further details, please contact me to discuss options for framing.



Picture framing

By John MacLean, 12/12/2020:



Please note that any artwork or photographs etc., for mounting/framing in time for Christmas should be taken in to the workshop by the evening of Monday 21st December at the latest.

For further details, please contact me to discuss options for framing.



New stock of frame mouldings in

New stocks of bare wood frame mouldings are now in. The deep rebate mouldings are suitable for liming and painting and are excellent for clean, modern presentation of original art works and prints.

All frames are hand-made on the premises to your requirements. Please contact me any time to find out more.

Framing of Simon Fraser artwork

An artwork in ink by Scottish artist Simon Fraser, overlaid with an archival antique white mount and simply framed in a narrow lime wood moulding with glass.

Please get in touch if you have artwork you want framed to the highest standard, whether it’s for exhibition, for your own walls or for giving as a gift.

Artwork by Scottish artist Simon Fraser